Oberbank is expressly committed to taking ecological and social aspects into account in all its deliberations. In the banking sector in particular, principles such as frugality, reliability and soundness have proven to be values that must be handled with special care, because the trust of customers, employees and other social groups is of utmost importance.
Decarbonisation and CO₂ footprint
Greenhouse gas emissions according to the Green House Gas Protocol
According to the Green House Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), greenhouse gas emissions can be categorised into three different impact areas.
- Direct emissions, also known asscope 1 emissions, occur directly at the company (for example through its own vehicle fleet).
- Scope 2 emissions are upstream emissions that occur in the course of providing energy to the company (for example, through purchased energy)
- Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions that occur along the value chain through upstream emissions (such as employee mobility) and downstream emissions. The most relevant portion of scope 3 emissions for the bank are the emissions resulting from the loans and investments made by the bank.
Measures to reduce direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions

Scope 1
Increase e-mobility: increased purchase of e-cars.

Scope 2
Evaluation of the conversion to green electricity in all Oberbank markets (AT/DE/CZ).

Scope 3
Financed emissions: Development of a decarbonization strategy, Science-based targets.
Emissions in our own operations: Our path to CO₂-Neutralität neutrality by 2025
Oberbank has set itself the goal of achieving CO₂ neutrality in Scope 1 (emissions – fossil fuels, vehicle fleet) and Scope 2 (energy purchases – electricity, steam, heating, cooling) by 2025. The plan for a CO₂-neutral Oberbank by 2025 includes not only an increase in energy efficiency but also investments in new facilities. The fact that we already obtain most of our electricity from renewable energy is an important milestone on this path.
We will achieve CO₂ neutrality through targeted measures in the following four areas:
Energy efficiency
Increasing energy efficiency through space management (location analyses, consolidations, reductions); modernisation, new working models, processes; increasing the efficiency of the self-service areas in the branches; efficient cooling of the technical rooms, elimination of servers in the branches.systems, heating and advertising elements. In 2023 an energy-saving challenge was implemented at Oberbank branches as a contribution to the ambitious goal of saving 15 percent electricity. Through carrying out the challenge savings of 12.5 % were achieved.
Green electricity
Purchase of electricity from renewable sources; in Austria and Germany, Oberbank has been using 100 percent green electricity since 2020, and in CZ since 2021.
Renewable energy
Shift away from oil and gas; investment in new installations (photovoltaics, e-mobility) Target for e-mobility: The share of electric/hybrid vehicles is to be increased to 30 percent by 2025 and to 50 percent by 2030. This is supported by the installation of additional e-charging stations at the head office and the branches from 2022 onwards.
CO₂ compensation
Purchase of emissions certificates for emissions we are unable to reduce any further.
Indirect greenhouse gas emissions: scope 3
Since 2022, we have been collecting data on indirect greenhouse gas emissions that occur along the value chain (scope 3 emissions).
Employee mobility
This includes business travel and commuting (employees travelling to and from work). With the exception of the company's own vehicle fleet, the CO₂ emissions generated in the process are classified as scope 3.
In 2022, the first-ever mobility survey was conducted across all Oberbank Group locations in Austria, Germany, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Based on the results, the CO₂ emissions generated by mobility were calculated in emitted tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO₂ in t). In 2023 the employee survey was repeated.
The emissions for commuting to work correspond to the emissions caused by the electricity consumption of around 1,249 households.
The emissions for business travel correspond to the emissions caused by the electricity consumption of around 345 households.
Financed emissions
Oberbank AG has been a member of the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) since October 2021. The PCAF methodology allows for a globally standardised calculation and disclosure of greenhouse gas emissions resulting from financing and investments. These greenhouse gas emissions are categorised as scope 3 category 15 (according to GHG Protocol)
For the year 2021, Oberbank AG, together with an external consulting firm, has for the first time calculated the emissions financed by Oberbank AG for four asset classes in accordance with the PCAF standard. In 2022, the financed emissions were calculated for the same four asset classes as in the previous year:
- Listed shares and corporate bonds
- Corporate loans and unlisted equity capital
- Mortgages
- Commercial real estate
For further information on the results as well as the applied methodology please view the sustainability report in brief
Environmental ESG Data
The careful use of all resources is part of our social responsibility. Therefore, Oberbank strives to achieve the highest possible environmental compatibility in all its activities, processes and products. The collection of data on key environmental indicators, which goes beyond regulatory requirements, is an essential basis for taking ecological and social aspects into account in all considerations.
Outlook for decarbonization
Oberbank launched the development of a decarbonization strategy for its entire portfolio in 2023. In a cross-company project, science-based targets are being developed in line with the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). These targets are to be finalized in the course of 2024 and submitted to the SBTi for validation. The validated science-based targets will be integrated into the decarbonization strategy as a fundamental component.
The decarbonization strategy is a central building block for Oberbank on its way to making a measurable contribution to achieving the Paris climate targets.
The Eco Management and Audit Scheme EMAS
Further improvement of sustainability within our own operations:
The Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS) is a voluntary tool for any company that wants to improve the environmental performance of its operations. Following an audit by an accredited body, Oberbank has been certified under EMAS as of December 2022.
The implementation of the regulation is reviewed once a year by an external audit, which was also successfully completed in 2023.
In addition to an even stronger focus on environmental aspects, the EMAS assessment is further proof of our commitment. By publishing the environmental statement featuring detailed information on the environmental impacts, targets and key figures, we are taking another step towards transparency with regard to our progress in sustainability management.
The transformation towards a sustainable company is a major challenge. And it will probably be THE challenge of the next few years for all companies, for us as Oberbank as well. This is precisely why we set ourselves ambitious goals, involve all our employees since the implementation process of EMAS and thus work on continuous improvement.
With the introduction of EMAS, this transformation will be driven forward, and we are happy to take customers, investors, and stakeholders along with us on our path to a more sustainable future.
Resource conservation in mobility, internal processes and procurement
The careful use of all resources is part of our responsibility. This is why Oberbank strives to achieve the highest possible environmental compatibility in all its activities, processes and products.
Business trips
Video conferences reduce CO₂ emissions
Business trips should also be carried out in a climate-friendly manner. To this end, Oberbank has included the primacy of public transport – primarily rail – in its business travel guidelines. Only if this is uneconomical, unreasonable or impracticable in individual cases may another means of travel be used. Our business partner is the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB). The number of business trips was also significantly reduced by setting up video conference rooms and promoting video conferencing.
E-mobility at Oberbank
To ensure that Oberbank employees can get from A to B in the most environmentally friendly way possible, even on business trips that cannot be made by public transport, we have been increasingly using e-mobility since 2018. The share of electric/hybrid vehicles is to be increased to 30 percent by 2025 and to 50 percent by 2030.
Optimisation of internal processes
Oberbank is implementing several measures to optimise its internal processes and, at the same time, to improve the environmental footprint of its day-to-day business operations. The main focus in this context is on reducing paper consumption and lowering CO₂ emissions. Among other things, we achieve this by reducing the number of courier trips between the head office in Linz and our branches, as well as by digitising various forms and promoting electronic signatures.
Sustainable procurement
When selecting suppliers, Oberbank takes ecological impacts into account as far as possible (e.g. purchase of recycled paper and paper towels; award of contracts to regional suppliers wherever possible, etc.). In addition to the general Code of Conduct for employees, Oberbank also has a Code of Conduct for suppliers and business partners, which extends the rules and measures mentioned in the Code of Conduct to the collaboration with external partners. All suppliers of Oberbank AG must comply with these principles, which include compliance with the law, respect for human rights, various environmental regulations and the prohibition of corruption and bribery.
FurthermoreFurthermore, when it comes to selecting suppliers, the company kitchen at the head office in Linz has already switched to organic products in numerous product groups, for which an organic certificate was awarded.
Green IT
In our procurement policy, we are committed to purchasing IT equipment in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner. Our hardware is purchased in compliance with Energy Star, Blue Angel and The Eco Declaration. At the end of the equipment’s life cycle, it is either disposed of properly or passed on to families or institutions in need, such as Future for Children or public educational institutions.
Green Location
The Oberbank Donau-Forum (event centre at the Oberbank headquarters in Linz) is certified with the Austrian „Green Location“| UZ 200 Ecolabel. Oberbank thereby seeks to demonstrate its high quality standards and, at the same time, sets an example for sustainabilty. With the eco-label it undertakes to comply with strict criteria and to have ourselves monitored by independent bodies. In addition, we implement measures such as, to name a few, purchasing regional and organic products, sensible use of energy and water, the reduction of CO₂ emissions, avoidance and separation of waste, training our employees on all matters, preservation of natural diversity and cultural heritage, promotion of the regional economy.
Prospect of an even greener Oberbank – ongoing further developments
- Implementation of digital signatures
- Evaluation of further conversion to green electricity in our markets (in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, electricity from renewable energy sources is already available)
- Energy saving challenge: Reaching the ambitious goal of saving 15 percent energy in all Oberbank branches
Implementation of digital signatures in 2024
Evaluation of further conversion to green electricity in our markets (in Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, electricity from renewable energy sources is already available)
Practising sustainability with our “Honey Stock”
Since April 2018, four beehives have found a home on the terrace of the new Oberbank building. Since then, over 160.000 bees have been swarming out into the area near the Danube banks and the neighbouring grasslands. The honey bee is a species worthy of protection and makes an essential contribution to the well-being of humans and nature. Our “Honey Stock” is an important investment in the future, as the honey bee population is endangered, although bees ensure lower pesticide exposure and higher flower diversity. Oberbank deliberately supports the trend towards locating more and more bee colonies in urban areas.
The first honey was collected as early as June 2018. Together with the beekeeper in charge of the bee colonies, two employees extracted more than 100 kg of pure Oberbank honey. Honeyland Upper Austria tested the honey and awarded it the “GOLDEN Blossom Honey Quality Seal” certificate.
Another initiative to protect bees is our “Feed the Bees” campaign. Every time we open an Oberbank be(e) green account, we make a joint contribution to the preservation of the bee population by creating large-scale flower meadows, thereby providing a habitat for bees and other flower-pollinating insects.
To the “Feed the Bees” initiative